Wednesday, January 13, 2010

more photos to share.

Well, its Jan 13, 2010. On Jan 5Th or so i took my nephews to a car museum in Hartford, WI. They claim to be the biggest in the state for cars and they also deal with cars that where built in Wisconsin. The trip was fun to show the kids what some really cool cars where built here. After that I brought them home to attend there cousins 21st birthday party and going away for being deployed over seas to shoot bad guys. I also did a bunch of shooting for the party also. I think I must have too around 700 shots for the day and went though both battery's in my camera. I shoot with a Nikon D60 that does have some issues and I am trying to get to work right...sigh. I also have a JVC camcorder/still camera I also use.
Here is the link that I hope can work.

Here is a couple of pics that I took.

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